How do lived experiences inform the art we make? How do television and film shape our realities? What is the spiritual, theological, and cultural impact of media representation of transgender people? These are some of the questions we hope to answer in this discussion.
The panel features Nick Adams, Director of Transgender Media & Representation at GLAAD; Leigh Finke, Founder of Totally Gay Productions, producer, writer, documentary filmmaker, and journalist from St. Paul, MN; Rev. Debra J. Hopkins, Founder & Executive Director of There's Still Hope in Charlotte, NC; Justin Sabia-Tanis, Assistant Professor and Director of Social Transformation at United; and host,Max Brumberg-Kraus, Twin Cities artist, Digital Content Specialist, and United alum.
This event was hosted by the Theology and the Arts Program at United. You can learn more about the Arts masters and doctoral concentration and our programming at the link below: