The Canvas

Remembering Rev. Dr. Don White, Professor Emeritus

Written by Diane Riggs | Jul 2, 2024 8:21:34 PM

Appointed to replace Theophilus Hilgeman, Don became the assistant professor of historical theology at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in 1965. He was from Youngstown, Ohio, and he received his BA from Berea College in Kentucky, his BD from Chicago Theological Seminary, and his MA and PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School. Originally ordained as a Presbyterian, Don would later transfer his standing to the United Church of Christ (UCC).

During his 37-year tenure at United, Don taught both historical theology and constructive theology. At his retirement in 2002, he noted that his favorite courses were process theology (which he began teaching in 1966) and popular culture (a course he taught starting in 1977). A former colleague, Rev. Dr. Clyde Steckel, professor emeritus, recalls being “struck with his keen mind… I was pleased to find him on the United faculty, which I joined in 1970. Don was especially good at teaching process theology and helping students transition from traditional theologies needing to be deconstructed and then reconstructed.” Mary Kay Huntley Sauter (’95) fondly remembers Don for “Theology.” She continues, “Process theology is my theology because of him. Very grateful.”

While a member of United’s faculty, Don worked closely with Rev. Dr. Wilson Yates, president emeritus, first as a colleague, and then as dean. Reflecting on his passing, Wilson shares, “Don White came to United soon after the school had been created, and here, he spent his career not only as a popular professor, but as one of the early faculty who helped the school define its role in theological education.”

Wilson continues, “He taught the history of Christianity and pressed students to understand not only the theology of the churches that developed over those 2,000 years, but those churches’ institutional lives and the roles they played in shaping the cultures of which they were a part…. For those students who worked with him, he will still be remembered for the vital role he played in their lives. We are grateful for his time with us and mourn his passing.” 

It is a testament to Don’s enduring connection with students that both Phil Johnson and Ted Meads (’71) were still in touch 40 years later. As Ted wrote to Don after reviewing Don’s explanation of process theology concerning United’s recently highlighted 1967-1968 football team, “Your response to Phil reinforced why I so thoroughly enjoyed your classes so many years ago.”

Alum Rev. Casey Baggot (’93), retired minister of Community Church of Vero Beach, spoke highly of Don’s impact after retiring. She wrote, “For several years after his retirement from United, Don continued inspiring students of all ages at Community Church of Vero Beach as Theologian in Residence. His intellect was untiring, and his lectures, talks, and programs were incredibly popular.” Don also served his church as a counselor. Casey continues, “Community Church members found themselves doubly blessed as he brought wisdom to enlighten and compassion to sustain the faithful journey.”

“A seminary professor is able to leave a graceful imprint in the lives of students and faculty colleagues,” reflects current President Molly T. Marshall. “From all I have read of the service of Don White at United, I would echo the words of the writer of the Apocalypse: his ‘deeds will accompany him’ (Rev. 14:13b).”

For all the students he taught, mentored, and coached, all the faculty and staff with whom he worked, and his service to the church, United is deeply grateful for the legacy of Rev. Dr. Don White, now of blessed memory.

A service for Don will take place at Community Church of Vero Beach in Florida on Saturday, November 23, 2024, on what would have been Don’s 90th birthday.