The Canvas

Greetings from the Dean!

Written by United Theological Seminary | Aug 24, 2016 4:00:00 PM

Welcome back to United! This promises to be a full and exciting year in academics.

Join me in welcoming our new president, Dr. Lewis P. Zeidner, Professor of Psychology and Leadership. As you may have read, Dr. Barbara Holmes retired over the summer and is now in Florida and doing well. President Zeidner has assured me that the academic direction and vision of the school will continue in the same direction we have been going. I have full faith in his ability to lead this seminary during these times of transition.

We have a new Distance Education Specialist, Matt Stollenwerk, who brings a great deal of experience in distance learning and technology. He has already begun with work with many of our faculty in improving our Moodle courses.

Some things to note as we begin a new year:

Changes in personnel:

We honored the following people this past spring and wish them the best for the future:Sue Ebbers, Director of the Spencer Library, will retire on August 31.Trina Armstrong, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Pastoral Theology, took a position at Garrett Evangelical Seminary this past July.Michelle Turnau resigned as Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Housing and Financial Aid.

New appointments in academics:

These newly appointed staff members are available to assist you while you are a student at United. All have written articles for this newsletter and included their contact information.

Brian Braskich has been appointed Director of Financial Aid in addition to his role as Director of Assessment.Margaree Levy has been appointed Assistant Dean of Students in addition to her role as the Director of the Black Church Leadership Program. Brandon Krosch now serves as Director of Physical Plant and Housing.Joelle Anderson has been appointed Associate Director of Admissions and Student Enrollment.Matt Stollenwerk serves as Distance Education Specialist.Dale Dobias will assume the role of Director of the Spencer Library.

Some friendly reminders:

Please register as soon as you can for fall courses
so that we will be able to have early estimates of our course enrollments.

Read Monday Morning every week to stay up-to-date! The issues include important announcements: seminary news, changes in course schedules, updates to the "Masters Student Handbook" and posts of job opportunities and/or classified ads just for students. Monday Morning is your link to information about events at United Seminary and in the local community.

Best wishes to each of you on your studies this coming year!

Sharon M. Tan
Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean
McVay Professor of Christian Ethics