The Canvas

Message from United Faculty on Trans Day of Remembrance 2020

Written by United Theological Seminary | Nov 19, 2020 3:37:08 PM

Transgender Day of Remembrance calls us to honor transgender and non-binary people who have needlessly lost their lives due to violence, medical neglect, and suicide.  United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities decries these deaths and grieves the loss of these human beings, disproportionately from communities of color, created in the image and likeness of God.

We call upon people of faith to take concrete steps to end violence and discrimination against transgender and non-binary people and to support public policies that promote the wellbeing of people of diverse gender identities. Communities of faith can and do play a vital role in encouraging the acceptance of those who are non-binary and transgender by family members and friends; this affirmation has been proven to be vital in preserving lives and sustaining resilience. We recognize that there is much work to do to expand this support and pledge ourselves to this task.

As one step in that process, we state unequivocally our celebration of the presence of transgender and non-binary people among our students, faculty and staff as one of the many gifts of our diverse community. Together we will build a stronger world in which people of all genders are free to live and thrive.

Please join us for a special online Transgender Day of Remembrance service on Friday November 20, 2020. 
11:35 A.M -12:05 P.M. Central
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 934 3258 3301
Passcode: TDOR

Wherever you are zooming from, please bring a candle and something to light it with for our service.

"Divine Love Is Our Birthright," Féi Hernandez,