Move Update 12/7
As we prepare to move into our new space in January, we will be sending out more frequent updates regarding construction.
In June 1970, Rev. Dr. Clyde J. Steckel joined United’s faculty as associate professor of Theology and Psychology. He was also asked to provide counseli[...]
As we prepare to move into our new space in January, we will be sending out more frequent updates regarding construction.
This summer, Dr. Cindi Beth Johnson, Director of The Intersection, Wilson Yates Center for Theology and the Arts, was asked to work with a group of students in the Theology and the Arts concentration [...]
United's 2018 Fall Convocation was held on September 25. President Lew Zeidner welcomed all with a message about tolerating and leaning into ambiguity. Dr. Jennifer Awes Freeman, installed this year a[...]
n Dr. Demian Wheeler with Dr. James Cone
The following post was originally given as a sermon on September 13, 2018.
A few weeks ago, I met with Terri Burnor, our new Director of Alumni and Church Relations. We were sitting in The Context Cafe, where, over the years, students have discussed homework and community, t[...]
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