After months of planning and searching and confidential discussions, we can legally share all of the updates about our new campus! The lease is signed; building permits are approved by the city of St. Paul, and construction is well underway. Currently, the construction crew is building the metal frames that will hold our chapel, the Intersection, classrooms, conference rooms, and offices.
Last week, during United Days Homecoming, alums toured the construction site of the new campus and wrote prayers, intentions, and blessings on the metal frames of the classrooms and the Intersection.
At 3 p.m. on Monday, October 22, students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to tour and bless the new space. We will announce additional dates and times in the near future. Want to join us? Click here to register.
We will work to keep you informed about progress as much as possible and to let you know as far in advance as we can about invitations to visit the new campus; however, because the general contractor and project managers are focused on keeping the build on schedule, that can result in information delays and invitations that may feel last minute. We will do our best keep these frustrations to a minimum.
Thank you for being part of our community and supporting us on this exciting new journey!
All my best,
Amee McDonald
Vice President for Marketing
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