SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, UNITED STATES, January 17, 2024. Now in its second year of operation, the Leadership Center for Social Justice at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities has launched a new event series. “Acting Together: A Series on Accompaniment” was unveiled last October and three justice-centered events are scheduled this year.
As Rev. Dr. Ry Siggelkow, director of the Leadership Center for Social Justice explains,
“Quaker activists Staughton and Alice Lynd have long been reflecting on the practice of accompaniment in social movements and in their own lives. In memory of Staughton (1929–2022) and in collaboration with Alice, his lifelong companion and co-conspirator, the Leadership Center for Social Justice is excited to feature a series of conversations exploring the various dimensions of accompaniment and the possibilities it holds today for the work of social justice.”
On January 31, at 6:30 PM, an expert panel of practitioners and scholars working at the intersections of pastoral and health care, disability, justice, and social medicine will delve into social justice issues related to providing and accessing care.

This free hybrid event, titled “Caregivers in a Care-less Society: A Panel on Care Work and Social Justice,” will feature:
- Rev. Dr. Jessica Chapman Lape, United’s assistant professor of interreligious chaplaincy and program director for interreligious chaplaincy
- Dr. Michael Westerhaus, faculty, University of Minnesota’s Medical School’s Department of Medicine and Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility, primary care clinician at the Center for International Health, and program director of the Bridge to Residency for Immigrant International Doctor Graduates through Clinical Experience (BRIIDGE) Program.
- Dr. Aarti Bhatt, assistant professor of internal medicine and pediatrics at the University of Minnesota, associate program director for the Med-Peds residency program, and primary care physician at the Community University Health Care Center
- Rev. Laura Cannata (’13), a disability justice minister at Robbinsdale Parkway UCC and a member of the Disability Ministries’ Board of Directors for the National UCC.
Coming up Wednesday, March 6, at 7:00 PM, we will host “The Right to Breathe: An Evening with the Sacred Ally Quilt Ministry,” an Accompaniment event framed around New Hampshire UCC’s Sacred Ally Quilt Ministry. Rev. Mark Koyama and Kathy Barrett Blair, two of the three allies behind the Quilt Ministry will be joining us in person.
Then, on April 10, at 6:00 PM, we will celebrate the seminal work of social justice activists Alice and Staughton Lynd. Presented at the University of St. Thomas, and in partnership with the University’s Justice and Peace Studies Program, “We Make The Road By Walking: A Documentary Viewing & Panel Discussion on Accompaniment” will showcase a new documentary about the Lynds and include an appearance by Alice Lynd and the documentarian.
We invite you to participate in one or all of these free social justice events. To learn more, please contact Stella Pearce (
About The Leadership Center for Social Justice
United’s Leadership Center for Social Justice seeks to equip, inspire, and empower leaders to faithfully and reflectively engage in concrete, contextual ministry for social justice. In the spirit of faith, hope, and love, the Center supports leaders in developing skills in contextually sensitive, creative, and effective leadership and social praxis.
About United
Founded as a welcoming, ecumenical school that embraces all denominations and faith traditions, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities has been on the cutting edge of progressive theological thought leadership since it was established in 1962. Today, United continues to train leaders who dismantle systems of oppression, explore multi-faith spirituality, and push the boundaries of knowledge.
Nathanial Green (he/him), Director of Marketing and Communications
United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities • (651) 255-6138
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