Every morning, Pam Wynn sets a timer for 20 minutes, pulls out her journal and her favorite pen, lights a candle, and writes.
In June 1970, Rev. Dr. Clyde J. Steckel joined United’s faculty as associate professor of Theology and Psychology. He was also asked to provide counseli[...]
Every morning, Pam Wynn sets a timer for 20 minutes, pulls out her journal and her favorite pen, lights a candle, and writes.
Don’t Leave Your Trumpet at the Door: A Guide to Theological Education at United Seminary
Art by Sarah Amalia Holst created during a class meditation let by Amoke Kubat.
If you happened to be walking down the halls of United on Saturday, January 21st, you probably heard a lot of singing. That's because more than 40 people from around the Twin Cities and across the upp[...]
The Academic Council at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities released this statement about President Trump's recent Executive Order banning immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countr[...]
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