Don’t Leave Your Trumpet at the Door: A Guide to Theological Education at United Seminary
Don’t Leave Your Trumpet at the Door: A Guide to Theological Education at United Seminary
SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, UNITED STATES, March 6, 2025. United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities is thrilled to announce the establishment of the Wil[...]
Don’t Leave Your Trumpet at the Door: A Guide to Theological Education at United Seminary
Beloved is Where We Begin
It has been more the rule than the exception through the last six months or so that our world, national and local news has focused on one unbelievable human atrocity after another; with a seemingly en[...]
Today's guest post is by United adjunct faculty member, Russell Myers. Russ is a Lutheran pastor and board-certified chaplain who serves EMS personnel, helping them manage the stress and trauma they e[...]
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