SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, UNITED STATES, February 18, 2025. Now in its third year of operation, the Leadership Center for Social Justice (the Center) at Un[...]
President Molly T. Marshall, on behalf of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, joins fellow “faith leaders and civil and human rights advocates, all united in this moment of moral reckoning[...]
Sarah Berge '19 is a recent graduate of United hoping to work in chaplaincy. Her background is in systems and family counseling, with a focus on incarcerated populations and restorative justice. Sarah[...]
United offers a variety of courses, including introductory courses, such as Intro to Theology, and practical courses, such as Preaching. But how do some of the more esoteric-sounding courses prepare s[...]
It has been more the rule than the exception through the last six months or so that our world, national and local news has focused on one unbelievable human atrocity after another; with a seemingly en[...]
During our church service this morning the choir had just finished the Anthem; with trumpet and organ celebrating at full volume, when a young child in the rear of the sanctuary expressed total joy wi[...]
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