Indonesian Minister Interweaves Lessons from Home and United
Rev. Hardiyan "Adi" Triasmoroadi (DMin, Directed Study)
SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, UNITED STATES, March 6, 2025. United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities is thrilled to announce the establishment of the Wil[...]
Rev. Hardiyan "Adi" Triasmoroadi (DMin, Directed Study)
United students and alums don’t take a class that explicitly prepares them for leading in days like today. Yet we have seen them step into this precarious and unprecedented time in compassionate, crea[...]
On July 1, 2019, Rev.Gary F. Green II joined United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities as assistant professor of pastoral theology and social transformation.
In Fall 2018, U.S Army Chaplain Imam Khallid Shabazz, the Army's first division-level Muslim chaplain, will teach an online course called "Chaplaincy for Military" at United. Below, Dr. Shabazz explai[...]
Rabbi Dr. Amy Eilberg (D.Min. ’16) has been a trailblazer in ministry throughout her life.
Today's guest post is by United adjunct faculty member, Russell Myers. Russ is a Lutheran pastor and board-certified chaplain who serves EMS personnel, helping them manage the stress and trauma they e[...]
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